Inquisitors get an extra Teamwork Feats every 3 levels and all of those bonuses add up, making Inquisitor quite powerful when adjacent to an ally. This ability is very useful versus enemies with low Fortitude, such as Mages and Archers usually.Īttributes Pathfinder Kingmaker Jaethal Build It can be used only once on the same creature. Attack needs to hit first for True Judgment to activate Fortitude roll. True Judgment (lvl 20): When this ability is selected, your next attack can insta-kill an enemy if they fail a Fortitude roll.This does not work if you’re wearing Heavy Armor. Stalwart (lvl 11): Makes every attack targeting Will and Fortitude that usually does halved damage on a successful saving throw, do no damage instead.Bane (lvl 5): Adds 4-24 damage and adds +2 to weapon enchantment against certain foes.To get bonuses from Teamwork Feats simply have any ally positioned adjacently to you. Solo Tactics (lvl 3): An amazing feat that lets Inquisitors benefit from Teamwork Feats even if an adjacent ally does not have that same Teamwork Feat.

Cunning Initiative (lvl 2): Adds Wisdom modifier to initiative checks.Undying: Raises her back after combat ends with a small portion of her health if she falls in battle.At level 8 you can use 2 Judgments at once and at level 16 that number rises to 3. These bonuses last until the end of combat. Judgment: Judgment adds bonuses to offense or defense, depending on which one you choose.Death Domain: Received Bleeding Touch at level 1 and the Death Embrace passive at level 8, that prevents her from being damaged by positive energy and lets her heal from channeled negative energy.Stern Gaze: Received morale bonus on all Intimidation and Perception checks equal to half of her level.Before we delve into Feat choices however, let us have a look at which abilities Inquisitors get automatically. Although not as good as some other classes DPS-wise, we can work around it a bit by choosing DPS oriented Feats. This build focuses on melee combat and the many buffs Inquisitors have at their disposal, that can benefit themselves and allies either through Feats or spells.